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County Durham Round-up

4 days of speaking to the good people of Durham, Peterlee, Seaham, Easlington and Haswell. A jam-packed tour of the collieries with independent Durham County Councillor and Haswell Parish Councillor, Chris Hood. This week climaxed with one big-fat, community-connecting chat-in-the-park!

And what a chat-in-the-park it was! We asked the question “How might we come out of all these crises better than before?”. Particular challenges in getting the space up and running included a quiet speaker system and the allure of fish and chips over our free dhal, but we pulled it off with around 25 people in socially-distant attendance for the group dialogue.

Clearly, human connection and community power were on people’s minds after being held in their groups for 30 minutes. Amazingly the suggestions will have received wide support in their groups through the power of dialogue and speaking to one another from a place of equality.

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